We specialize in selling designer handbags, shoes, jewelry and accessories. We help you get the maximum value out of your items. Simply send in or drop off your items and we do the rest!
The benefits of going through us compared to other companies are easy.
#1. We do all the legwork, taking pictures, research products, posting, listings, shipping, storage. We will even come to your house to pick up your items (10 item minimum) and pay quickly. You’ll no longer have to worry about carrying all your merchandise in big bags from store to store. After a quick consult we will send you a pre-paid package label and bag for you to send your items in through.
#2. Our price cannot be beat. Most consignors, auctioneers, and resale stores take at least 50-60% of the selling price of your item. We offer tiered commission rates that start at only 15% which includes all handling and processing fees.
#3. We help you get the most for our items! We conduct extensive research prior to listing your item by determining through spending patterns, trends, and historical information which avenue best suits your items for maximum profit.
#4. Anonymity is our promise. We do not reveal under any circumstances who our clients are, and what your items are. This helps you maintain your store, and identity as a retailer without being looked at as a discount center.
#5. Get cash fast! While other liquidators take many months to finally cut you a check, we make it a goal to pay you out within 60 days.
#6. We are committed to sustainable fashion! For every garment sold we will donate a piece to a woman in need!
Make an appointment today to discuss your inventory!
Contact Us:
Phone: 312.569.9974
Instagram: @theluxuryfind